Your Sacred Money Archetypes® reveal with uncanny accuracy your own unique money strengths, gifts, behaviors and shadow side.

Let's Unlock Your MONEY CODES Today!



So you’ve found out what your primary Sacred Money Archetype is…

Now what?

Our recommendation is to get to know your Archetype on a deeper level so that you can powerfully transform your relationship with money. 

Your Sacred Money Archetypes® reveal with uncanny accuracy your own unique money strengths, gifts, behaviors and shadow side.

And yes, while your money archetypes shape your thoughts, feelings and relationship with money, wealth, earning, saving and spending … they don’t stop there.

They also provide powerful insight into how you can innovate new and exciting growth opportunities in all areas of your life, business and relationships.

Now that you have completed the quiz and learned your top 3 archetypes...

"I invite you to join me and go deeper into the life changing work of Sacred Money Archetype coaching."

Tracy Mae

Why Explore The Archetypes Deeper With Coaching?

Because your relationship with money isn’t random.

And it impacts every. single. area of your life.

Your relationship with money springs from 8 distinct Sacred Money Archetypes® - each revealing with uncanny accuracy its own unique money strengths, gifts, behaviours and shadow side.

And yes, while your money archetypes shape your thoughts, feelings and relationship with money, wealth, earning, saving and spending … they don’t stop there.

They also provide powerful insight into how you can innovate new and exciting growth opportunities in all areas of your life, business and relationships.

Coaching uncovers powerful insights such as...

  • Understanding what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self –judgment)
  • Discovering what your 3 core money strengths are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career)
  • No longer falling prey to unconscious sabotaging behaviour (it’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily)
  • And so much more...

The Eight Sacred Money Archetypes are…

The Ruler

Your Inner Empire Builder

Your drive to create makes you an unstoppable, passionate force for making a big impact and significant income.

While outwardly successful, fear is often your driving force.

Fear and the thrill of achievement has you always chasing a moving money target and often at the expense of personal time and relationships.



Your Inner Rebel 

Your creativity when it comes to generating money is amazing.

But balance isn't something you often value or find exciting, which can lead you into situations of creating extreme financial highs and lows.

You are attracted to get rich opportunities which often has you gambling with financial security.



Your Inner Banker

You and money are a match made in heaven. For you, saving and living within your means comes naturally.

But inwardly, worrying about spending even small amounts of money can cause you tremendous amounts of stress.

You're driven to save out of fear of being dependent or losing personal freedom.



Your Inner Sponsor

Your desire to be of service often inspires you to share your financial resources.

But what you see as selfless generosity can easily create enabling relationships that eventually sow seeds of resentment or martyrdom within you.

You are generous and love to give but need to have caution when the feeling of needing to rescue comes up.



Your Inner Big Shot

You have no problem spending money to enhance your image, including designer brands, hip clothing, entertaining, and plenty of bling.

But under the glitz and glam you may be overcompensating for having felt criticized in your younger years.

This often leads to compulsive spending and financial stress when your bank account cannot keep up to your celebrity lifestyle.



The Relationship Creator

Your faith and optimism that money will always be available keeps you from feeling much, if any, financial stress.

To be honest, you are happiest when someone else is making the financial decisions. 

Your lack of concern about money can cause you to be taken advantage of financially or keep you from creating wealth.




Your Inner Idealist

Your love/hate relationship with money signals your appreciation for the good it can do in the World, even though you resent it's importance.

You care more about social justice and leading a movement than making money.

Although you are talented at attracting money in unusual ways, your resentment and rebellious attitude towards making money often has you relying on others for financial support.



Your Inner Hedonist

You know how to use money to enjoy life, and often spend it because you feel "you deserve it" or you want to indulge the people you care about. 

But spending can be a cover-up to avoid feelings of emptiness and absence of love or lack of feeling valued and acknowledged.

You may shrug off your money habits, telling yourself that you are no good with money.



Within you is a unique MONEY CODE called your Sacred Money Archetypes®.


Once you discover what YOUR money archetypes are, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of your life easily fall into place.


Are you ready for less struggle and more peace when it comes to money? 

Our Sacred Money Archetype 1 to 1 Coaching Will Help You With…


Discovering Your Money Strengths

Unlocking your Money Codes "Your Money Personality," allows you to create money alignment so that you can harness your strengths and step into your Sacred Money Destiny. 



Identifying Your Money Challenges

Each money personality comes with it's own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. We love our strengths; however, it's our challenges that often keep us in a repeating cycle of money mistakes and sabotages. And here's the thing. You either control your money or it controls you.

Ending Your Money Self Sabotage Behaviours

Do you continue to make the same mistakes over and over when it comes to money? Spending too much? Lending money out only to never be paid back? Working endlessly to chase a moving money target that leaves you feel burned out and like you are constantly failing the money game? Coaching allows us to spot these behaviours and step into a more empowering action going forward. 

Creating Your Money Story Makeover

Your past results with money are not an accurate predictor of your money future and results. No matter what has happened in the past, and whatever ancestral money stories have been programmed into you, your life can change in an instant once you decide to create your "Money Story Makeover."

Shattering Your Glass Money Ceiling

Money glass ceilings are real.  We experience them in business and we experience them in our careers. We get stuck at an income level and think this is our peak. In reality, our income earning potential is like a thermostat in that our ceiling gets set and try as we may, we cannot rise above the established set point. That is until we get to the root of the issue and shatter our glass money ceiling. 

Creating A Brighter Future With Money Mindset Work 

Would you like to lead your life forward in powerful alignment? We activate a powerful exercise and tap into our "Creating A Brighter Future" Visualization to have you stepping forward and leaving your money the past.

Sacred Money Archetypes® Coaching Package


  • Initial 90 minute session (first month)
  • Archetype Assessment
  • 1 x 60 min session per month (2nd & 3rd month)
  • Resources (cards, info pack, meditation, guided visualisation)

Investment $1500

or 3 Monthly Instalments of $555



"Abundance is a natural state of being, anything else is unnatural. Stop thinking about abundance and be abundance itself."

Tracy Brunet
The Money Boss Collective