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Are you ready to master your money mindset and build the life of your dreams?

If so, you will want to SUBSCRIBE today to The Money Boss Show, our weekly video and podcast show dedicated to brining you the tips, tools, and mindset hacks to help you look at, think about, and act differently towards money. 

Let's turn your relationship with money into a love story.

See you there!

Tracy Mae

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The Money Boss Show Episodes...

The Single BIGGEST Dream Killer I This Destroys Dreams...

Today, I want to discuss the two things standing between you and your dreams. That's it. There are two things standing between you and the life you're living right now and the life you dream about. And really, at the end of the day, there is truly only one thing.

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Money Secret #2: They Want You Average l Here’s How To Become Exceptional

December 4, 2023

They Want You Average...
Here’s How To Become Exceptional...

Everything in the World is designed to make you (and keep you) average. Not a bad thing if you want an average life. But, if you are watching this channel I know you want more. That, my friend, is a beautiful thing.

In this episode, we chat about your current results, why the systems are designed to make you average, and I introduce you to a powerful system to help you make real and lasting change your life.

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You CREATE Your Reality

November 26, 2023

We are not taught this. We are led to believe that we are victims of our circumstances and must accept our lot in life. This keeps us stuck, broke, and unhappy, repeating our lives daily. This makes change impossible, and worst yet, we often repeat the habits, beliefs, and actions of our parents/grandparents and live a life identical to theirs.

It doesn't need to be this way.

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How Your Brain Works 

November 20, 2023

Do you know that we create our reality in our mind, and then it comes to fruition in reality? It's true.

In this video, I share more about the conscious and subconscious minds and their roles. I share how our early childhood development and circumstances affect who we are and who we become. However, with a strong knowledge of how the mind works, we can update our brain to start thinking, feeling, and acting differently. Once we do this, we will see new results in our reality.

Want to change your life? If so, don't miss this video.

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Money Secret #1: Everything You Have Been Taught Is WRONG

November 6, 2023

- Are you feeling stuck, broke, and unhappy in life?
- Have you done all the things "they" told you would lead to success, and you are still not seeing the results?
- Are you feeling like a failure that will never get ahead in life?

If so, stop and consider this. You may think you are broken or doing something wrong because you cannot achieve a successful life no matter how hard you try. Maybe it's not you? Well, let me phrase that differently. It's not you. It is the systems that govern and manage the World's activities and people. These systems are designed to make us average. To turn us into well-trained employees who clock in and out, do what we are told, and become the best employees possible.

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Money Secrets - Series Introduction ❤️

October 30, 2023

"There is a science of getting rich. It is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches. Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will get rich with mathematical certainty." Wallace D. Wattles

The words you just read above changed my life forever, gave me hope, and set me on the most magical path of creating personal wealth and time freedom.

Nearly two decades later, I am paying it forward and sharing every single money secret that I have learned on my path to riches.

Secrets that are carefully guarded by the rich.

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B.S. Limiting Belief #30: My Family's Money Story Is My Destiny...

There is no one on the entire planet that shapes us more than our family. We are taught by them, grow up with them, and take on much of how they think about, see, and believe the World to operate. This includes our beliefs about money and the story we come to believe about money.

Don't miss this episode...

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B.S. Limiting Belief #26: Wanting More Money Is Greedy...

Right from a young age we are taught that wanting more money is greedy. Our parents, our schools and even the church is responsible for so many of our limiting beliefs when it comes to money.

It's so important that we are comfortable with wanting and seeking out more money. It's as natural as nature and I share more in today's episode.

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Scarcity To Abundance Mindset

You know those times when you get caught in lack and limitation? It's critical to stop the downward spiral before it starts picking up speed. In today's episode I share one of my best Scarcity to Abundance Mindset Hacks.

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Are You Sick, Tired & Unhappy? If so, you are working as designed...

If your life looks nothing like your hopes and dreams...don't worry. The deck of cards has been stacked against your unlimited happiness and success. 

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