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Hello! I'm Tracy

Dreamer, Entrepreneur, Possibility & Money Coach.

As an entrepreneur, I have achieved the life of my dreams and I know with my entire being that you can too. 

I know what it feels like to feel stuck in the rat race and to go in search of ways to escape.
Only a couple of years ago I was right where you are


Just like you, I wanted to start my own business.

I was keen and ready to take on the World. I had checked all the boxes, got all the designations, and I was successfully climbing the corporate ladder. I was a bright shiny star destined for corporate greatness. The problem? Well, the truth is that I didn't want to climb much further. I seen where the ladder was heading and I wanted nothing to do with it.

You see, deep down I knew that I wanted to start my own business. My parents had been self employed my entire life and from a young age I noticed how different our lives were from the way the masses lived. I noticed that my parents had the freedom to live life on their own terms. The other parents? They reported dutifully to their 9 to 5 in and day out. They lived their dreams on their two weeks of holidays approved by their manager.

My parents? We spent weeks camping in the summer and took off on random adventures throughout the year. And no, I don't come from rich parents :) They were hard working, self employed, and had something so very few people achieve. Independence.

I wanted what my parents had.

So I worked my 9 to 5 and launched this little side business and that little side business. And continually found that it was either time, money, lack of knowledge, or no strategy that was standing in my way.

I went in search of a road map for entrepreneurial success. Nothing.

So I bumped along launching, growing, "failing" and succeeding. I made all the mistakes and kept picking myself up again long enough to see success. And more success. You see, it requires a tremendous amount of knowledge, heaps of motivation, and a strong strategy to make it as an entrepreneur. Equally, if not more important, is the mindset it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

There are so many road blocks along the way it's no wonder that most aspiring entrepreneurs become lost, confused, and give up on their dreams. 

Nearing 20 years later...

I have built the life of my dreams. I married my dream partner and we live on a stunning working cattle ranch property in Canada. We own dogs, cats, cattle, and enjoy the company of an abundance of wildlife. 

I have built two national media companies, launched an award winning video and podcast show, and currently own and operate businesses that have generated millions of dollars. 

I am thankful and truly blessed to be leaving the dream life that younger Tracy dreamed about each and every day.

That road map for success?

I never found it so I have made it my mission to create a framework, and easy to follow programs, to help others go from "stuck in the race" to building the business of their dreams.

I believe that 

everyone deserves to live life on their own terms.

I have spent many years in the corporate World and the last 15 years building businesses as an entrepreneur. I know what it takes to launch a successful businesses and live life on your own terms.

I have built my dream life and I know with my entire being that you can too.

Why I do it

I believe that Abundance is our birth right and that's never been easier to achieve the life of our dreams.

I have spent my entire life deeply intrigued about making money. How do you make it? How do you keep it? Why do some people get rich while so many remain poor? 

I firmly believe that abundance is our birthright and that the best path to personal wealth is through entrepreneurship.

However, no where in life are we taught what it takes to build true wealth. We are taught to ignore our passions, get a career, become a great employee, get married, have 2.5 children, and hopefully be healthy enough to travel the World when we retire. That system is lonnnnnng broken.

That is no longer enough. People crave independence, meaning, and wealth.

And thankfully, now more than ever, financial abundance is available to each and every one of us.

I have done it!

As an entrepreneur, I have achieved the life of my dreams and I know with my entire being that you can too. 

Now, it’s your turn to experience the same thing.

The only question is...

Are you ready to become a MONEY BOSS?

Join Us

You're only

3 steps away

from transforming your life


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let's get started


Not sure where to get started? Download one of our valuable FREE downloads. Instant access.


It's my belief that 

everyone should have the opportunity to discover their purpose, ignite their passion

and overcome the fears, self doubt, and limiting beliefs that are holding them back from achieving their dreams.

Let me show you how to tap into your unlimited potential so that you are ready to launch your side hustle and build the life of your dreams.

While you are waiting to start your journey with us

Download our Free Guide: 

Escape The Rat Race: A Life Changing Reading List


Fun facts


I have been self employed for over 15 years.


I am passionate about freedom (time and financial)


I am a cattle rancher and own many small and large farm critters.


I have a dog, 2 indoor cats, and a whole family of farm cats.


My favourite food is steak and potatoes...of course :)
I'd love to learn more about you, so let's get social! 

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